How can a reluctant spouse be encouraged to consider Collaborative Divorce?

For the process to be effective, both parties must welcome the advantages of the Collaborative Process and want to use it to resolve their divorce issues. Encourage your spouse to visit this website. Most spouses seem reluctant for the simple fact that he or she has never heard of the Collaborative Process. Unfortunately, many divorce attorneys do not discuss with their clients the various options of alternative dispute resolution that are available in Michigan. Unless individuals do their own research, they are not well informed. Encourage your spouse to learn more. Both of you should be doing your research. Another great website for more information on this practice is the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals ( Once your spouse has gathered his or her own information, any hesitation toward a Collaborative Divorce should be diminished. A divorce is a life-changing event. Cutting corners in how you meet its challenges may be the most expensive thing you can do.[i]

[i] Collaborative Divorce: The Revolutionary New Way to Restructure Your Family, Resolve Legal Issues, and Move on with Your Life, Pauline Tesler, M.A., J.D., & Peggy Thompson, Ph.D.