David C. Sarnacki
David C. Sarnacki helps people through separation and divorce as either their advocate or mediator. He strives for creative problem-solving, honest advice, and powerful advocacy in even the most difficult matters. And he is regularly recognized for his excellence in family law, mediation, and collaborative divorce, twice being awarded the honor of Best Lawyers in America\'s \"Lawyer of the Year\" for Grand Rapids divorce matters.
David C. Sarnacki has published hundreds of works on law-related topics, been awarded a Commendation by the Northwestern University Medill School of Journalism for a monthly column in Grand Rapids Parent Magazine, and been cited as an authority by the United States Supreme Court. He has published books (available on Amazon) including:
A Visual Refresher Course on Expert Testimony (2020)
The Essence of Being in Court (2020)
A Visual Refresher Course on Courtroom Persuasion (2021)
The Essence of Writing Persuasive Trial Briefs (2022)
A frequent commentator on trial advocacy, family law, and mediation, Dave has served on the faculties of the National Institute of Trial Advocacy/Hofstra University School of Law, U.S. Attorney General\'s Advocacy Institute, Davenport University, and ICLE. He has been selected by confidential peer-review surveys as one of The Best Lawyers in America (including multiple Lawyer of the Year awards) and designated a Michigan Super Lawyer. And Dave has served as chairperson of the State Bar of Michigan\'s Family Law, Litigation, and Law Practice Management Sections.